Please Read This First

The Honourable Company of Horners has created this Supplementary Blog to enhance the HCH's regular website. We will use this Blog to give you information that does not easily fit within the structure of the other website.
If you would like to highlight an event or item, please send the information and images to:
Always check for additions by clicking on the tab just above.

Sneak Peek at The Horn Book

Bring Your Blowing Horn to the Horn Guild table at Dixon’s!

Jacobsburg Powder Horn Class, Sundays: Feb. 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2012

Jacobsburg Historical Society has announced a powder horn class to be held on each Sunday in the month of February, 2012. (Feb. 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2012)

This weekend format works for those who cannot take-off work or have other weekday commitments. The line-up for the instructors is impressive. Bob Albrecht Master Horner, Frank Willis Journeyman Horner and Freeman Bob Chattin will be leading the classes.

You must register to attend. >>Here is the link.>>